Tuesday, May 30, 2006

lah dee dah

duplicated and slightly modified post from my myspace page:

sooooo... i've been pretty silent on the music front. nothing new to report... oh wait! someone posted on buzzgriner that i was almost done with a whole record. sad to say that that is not true at the moment. as much as i would love to have a whole record ready to put out that is currently not the case.

but here IS what's indeed going on with me:

+ i start classes in one week to start chipping away at a graphic design degree.

+ i bought a macbook pro to help me with school... but hopefully having the program garageband will help with some new ideas i have for music. who knows... maybe i'll even post some demos on myspace eventually.

+ jeremy (from TSG) and i have been talking about writing some new music and possibly recording some stuff... what exact shape this will take remains to be seen. maybe some of it will show up on the myspace page, maybe it will not.

+ i've really been enjoying directions in music and the new robin guthrie record.

well time to start cooking dinner before the wife gets home...

p.s. yayyy for macs! oh how i love mine!


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